! WE'RE MOVING.. Due to some legal stuff that I'd rather not go into at the moment (or indeed ever) we're moving this site to www.cardiganworld.com as soon as the domain transfers have taken effect.
I dont know if anyone even bothers looking at this, but if for some mental reason you actually *do* look at this site then udpdate your bookmarks/whatever.
! TW33NS WITH TUNES Lovely Hugo finally got round to adding sound to the m3tatw33n animations. There are various versions for whatever sort of connection you have. Needs speakers :)
"2003 sees the first experiments in m3tatweening. Tweening is when you fill in the gaps between two keyframes in an animation, but in this case it refers to the unrestricted creative animations people use to get from their start image to their end image.
I wondered what would happen if you got a lot of random images to use as keyframes, assigned them a random order and then got different people to tween from one to the next as animated gifs with no idea what everyone else was doing.
The end result would be a non-stop stream of consciousness from the collective mind of those that took part. I decided to see what this would look like. " by Fnord.
! ONE CHRISTMAS EVE Chapter one On christmas eve not even a mouse lurking around the tree. The house was silent but suddenly there was a tiny little noise, coming from the chimney, Maybe it was Saint Nicholas, or a monster. But the man who came on Christmas Eve appeared it was Saint Nicholas. The man who filled Your stockings, the one Who ate the mince pies, the one who drank the whiskey the one with the special eyes.
Chapter two The next morning there was too many presents to count by the time They had finished counting it was 12 o.clock in the night So they Went to sleep.
! WELL BUGGER ME. I aint been on this for *ages* now, what with work and all that.
I've also had an extreme lack of hummus for making anything silly over the last few months.
But because I've been coding so much recently, my brain is now full of stupid crap, and I need a good mental enema, so I reckon that I'll start making some daft animations and stuff again.
which reminded me hugely of this, what i did yonks ago for Animal Instruments.... click for bigger one... this has been in my gallery section on this site for months.
! WWW.STATESMANORSKATESMAN.CO.UK I found a fantastic picture of Enoch Powell MP on a pogo stick, and so decided to write to a load of MPs and Peers, to see whether any of them had ever been on other forms of children's locomotive toys (ie Skateboards, Roller skates, Space Hoppers etc etc.)
Much to my amazement over 80 of them responded, including three Prime Ministers, five Chancellors, six Foreign Secretaries, four Home Secretaries, and three Speakers of the House of Commons.
! BEEN A LONG TIME So two heinikens later and im wondering what to do with myself. Maybe i should treck down to mile end to join the b3tan piss up, maybe i should head on home.
I don't know... I want to kip and have sex and dancve around... in that order please.
! RUNE INDUSTRIES™ have just registered a new domain name, but we are stretched to the limits of our massive intellects trying to work out what to do with it.
Any ideas?
And no, we're not giving out the domain until the registration process has completed.